Making a Claim – Policies purchased prior to June 2023
For all sections other than sections 13 (End Supplier Failure) & 17 (Gadget Cover)
The fastest and easiest way to make a claim is online at: www.submitaclaim.co.uk/tpl
The process should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete (depending on the type of claim).
Contact Claims Settlement Agencies
Telephone: 01702 427 251
Lines open Monday to Friday 9am and 5pm.
Alternatively, you can download the relevant claim form and return it to:
Write to: 308-314 London Road, Hadleigh, Benfleet, Essex SS7 2DD
Email: tpl@csal.co.uk
Download a Cancellation Claim Form.
Download a Curtailment Claim Form.
Download a Medical and Other Expenses Claim Form.
Download a Baggage and Money Claim Form.
Download a Delayed Baggage Claim Form.
Download a Travel Delay Claim Form.
Download a Missed Departure Claim Form.
Contact Davies Group, the claims administrator for Gadget Cover. Please contact them as soon as reasonably possible (but ideally within 48 hours) from discovery of the incident (or in the event of an incident occurring outside of the United Kingdom, on returning to the United Kingdom).
Alternatively, you can start your claim by emailing or calling the claims team:
Email: gadgetclaims@davies-group.com.
Telephone: 0330 102 8698. If you are phoning from abroad: + 44 (0)330 102 8698.
The line is open from 8:30am to 6:30pm Monday to Friday, and from 8:30am to 1pm Saturdays.
Contact IPP Claims at Sedgwick, the claims administrator for End Supplier Failure, as soon as reasonably practicable.
Telephone: 0345 266 1872 or if you are phoning from abroad: + 44 (0)345 266 1872.
The line is open from 09.00 – 17.00 Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays.
Email: Insolvency-claims@ipplondon.co.uk
Post: IPP Claims at Sedgwick, Oakleigh House, 14-15 Park Place, Cardiff CF10 3DQ.